Dog anxiety: How to control it amid the pandemic?

 Dog anxiety: How to control it amid the pandemic?


Controlling dog anxiety alone is not the simplest task in the world. However, it is also not impossible! But what about when this anxiety comes in parallel with everything the pandemic has provided? How to improve the pet's quality of life, ensuring that he has more well-being and comfort in the midst of so many changes in routine and daily care? There are so many questions!

We know that in the face of the pandemic, many doubts have arisen. Among them, living with a pet: has it become a problem? A difficulty? An escape? How to improve this coexistence and reduce the psychological impacts on tutors and pets?

If you want to know how to help your friend get through this difficult phase, then come with us and we'll explain everything to you, down to the smallest detail!

How to control dog anxiety amid the pandemic?

To control the dog's anxiety amid the pandemic, you need to pay attention to every detail of your routine and the context in which it is inserted. The first step, which we can suggest, is that you observe all the changes that the pet has undergone.

For example, if he spent a lot of time alone, and now the company is constant, this change is very relevant and should be considered. Likewise, if he was the type who had outdoor activities very often (such as walks in establishments that allow or trips to the pet shop) and today this is no longer possible, this is also another significant change that must be taken into account.

The more information you have about the routine before and now, the easier it will be to deal with the dog's anxiety. After all, you'll know exactly which points are impacting on the pet's cognitive and emotional.

With this data in mind, let's now move on to the essential tips:

Create activities for the pet to be entertained

Your dog needs activities that make him expend energy, have fun, discover something new and learn something. If you put all this together in everyday activities with your friend, the results will be very positive.

For this, you can create training circuits and fun games. It can be indoors! Cardboard boxes, for example, can serve as a support to create mini labyrinths, hiding places and even obstacles between one room and another.

If you play daily with your dog or just provide him with different activities, he will feel very stimulated, even indoors. This stimulus will make him distracted, spend energy and be less prone to anxiety crises.

The environment needs to be stimulating to avoid the dog's anxiety.

Following the reasoning above, remember to create an environment that is stimulating for the dog. After all, you won't always have time to play with the dog in different ways, but it is essential that you leave some toys and activities available for him to have fun while you work at home office, for example.

That way, looks for toys that explore your four-legged friend's cognition, always inducing him to cognitive and motor development. All of this, added to a day-to-day care and attention, makes the dog develop and decrease anxiety rates.

Dogs need some time alone too.

Although it's really cool to be ′′ glued ′′ to the dog all the time, in times of a pandemic, this company has become practically uninterrupted. If we human and rational beings are already feeling this impact of constant family company, can you imagine the dog?

He doesn't have the discernment to tell you that he wants to be alone , however, this moment of "solitude" is essential for his mental health. So, if possible, create a corner that is just for the dog, indoors. Try to keep this space as quiet as possible, so that he feels that he can rest there or simply be quiet and alone.

The pet needs to feel that it has its own space, and it is your role to prevent the dog's anxiety from arising due to the constant company and incessant noise.

Create a pet routine

Creating a routine is also essential for dealing with dog anxiety. After all, imagine what it would be like to wake up every morning without having any kind of routine or time for a certain activity? Sounds exhausting, doesn't it?

Although dogs cannot recognize schedules and a “schedule” like us, they do need a more regimented routine to guarantee a quality of life. For this, you need to establish times for eating, resting, playing, etc.

Of course, there may be freer moments, and you don't need to follow a completely plastered structure of the pet's day to day. However, you also need to keep in mind that he will always need a bit of routine. And, if possible, try to rescue some features of the pre-pandemic routine.

For example, if you went out for a walk with your pet, every day at 5 pm, try to maintain this routine by taking him at least to the condominium's backyard or parking lot. The important thing is to try to rescue as much as you can from this routine, keeping a more regular day and with fewer “surprises”.

Teach more basic tricks to reduce the dog's anxiety

Some basic tricks, like teaching the pet to sit, roll over or lay down, can be very stimulating. First because you will be connecting with the dog, second because the cognitive will be being developed and third because this type of activity is capable of expending energy and leaving the pet calmer at the end of the day.

All this, combining the result of a brief training. We are sure that this activity will be beneficial for the dog's daily life and even for you, as a tutor, who will teach you to understand some important watchwords for living together.

Take a moment to pamper him and reduce the dog's anxiety

Finally, remember to always take a moment to pamper the dog. Talk to him, give him a snack, and brush his hair, anyway! The pet needs to feel like its part of the family so that the dog's anxiety decreases.

Otherwise, the feeling of abandonment can flourish, causing the dog to be more aggressive or depressed. Therefore, if you want him always happy and excited, try to maintain a closer bond, paying attention every day.

After all, who doesn't love a cuddle? Use your love for dogs to reassure you in this time of pandemic and, in addition, promote your well-being, developing strength so that you can also get through this moment in the best way.

In times of a pandemic, tutors and pets can be foundations for each other's happiness. Remember this!

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