How is a tartarectomy performed?


How is a tartarectomy performed?


If your dog has tartar, it's good to be aware. The risk that bacterial plaques bring can be much worse than they appear to be. Dental problems such as tartar may require dental procedures such as a tartarectomy to remove plaque build-up.

Does your pet have bad breath? Maybe he has tartar. Keep reading and understand how tartarectomy is done!

My dog ​​has tartar, is this dangerous?

Tartar is formed by the accumulation of bacteria that produce toxins that, in turn, can generate other health problems such as gingivitis. You can imagine how tartar can cause the puppy a lot of pain, in addition to changing your pet's behavior.

Even tartar can indicate a danger to health, causing some other diseases, such as:

  • Gingivitis;

  • Loss of teeth;

  • Bad breath;

  • Difficulty grinding food;

  • Affected and apparent tooth root;

  • Pus on the gum;

  • Periodontitis;

In addition, the site affected by tartar can serve as a source of contamination for the body, with the possibility of reaching vital organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. It is therefore important to view tartar as a serious problem and remove it as soon as possible.

How to prevent tartar?

The simplest and most effective action to prevent tartar in dogs is periodic tooth brushing. Remember: without constant cleaning, the mouth environment becomes conducive to the development of bacteria and plaque that accumulated, end up giving rise to tartar.

To improve your pet's brushing, see which toothbrush is ideal for dogs. In addition, other actions can be taken to prevent tartar:

  • Get used to the puppy, from a puppy, with tooth brushing;

  • Brush the dog's teeth daily. Use specific paste for dogs;

  • Offer quality feed, which avoids the early formation of tartar,

  • Some snacks and toys help maintain oral health;

There are also foams and mouth wipes specifically for dogs. But attention: despite refreshing breath, these two items do not replace brushing.

Dental cleaning

If you can't do this brushing periodically, look for a veterinarian and evaluate the possibility of carrying out frequent cleaning. Thus, it will not be necessary to perform the tartarectomy procedure in dogs.

What is tartarectomy?

With the lack of regular cleaning of your dog's teeth, tartar plaques build up and calcify, transforming the need for cleaning (a simple procedure) into a tartarectomy (a not-so-simple procedure).

Canine tartarectomy, therefore, is teeth cleaning focused on removing tartar plaques . 

The frequency of carrying out this procedure is indicated by the veterinarian and goes according to each animal.

As the procedure most often involves the use of anesthesia, only the veterinary team can recommend tartarectomy. It is up to you, tutor, to follow the medical recommendations for preparing the procedure and post-surgery so that everything goes well with your puppy.

How is tartar removed?

The veterinarian is the doctor responsible for your puppy's health and, any problem your pet has, the veterinarian should be the first to be sought.

There is also the specialty of veterinary dentistry, which can be sought in case of need for tartar removal and also other dental treatments that are necessary. Tartarectomy is performed with the aid of ultrasound devices or manually, with specific dental instruments.

Application of anesthesia and antibiotic

It is important to point out that, for greater animal comfort and safety, inhalation anesthesia is applied. Thus, it is possible to monitor your puppy's vital functions and keep him quiet and calm during the procedure.

In addition, antibiotics are applied before and shortly after the tartarectomy in order to eliminate as many bacteria as possible.

Can I perform a tartarectomy on an elderly dog?

Despite being a common procedure, tartarectomy should be evaluated with caution if necessary in an elderly dog. The procedure is not risky, but preoperative tests are essential to determine whether the elderly dog ​​will be able to undergo surgery.

So keep in mind to carefully assess your senior dog's health condition and whether he should even undergo a tartarectomy procedure. The veterinarian will know how to conduct this careful evaluation in the best possible way.

Choose a responsible professional and make you feel safe!

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