How to know if the cat has a fever?


A cat with a fever is a sign that something is wrong. As with people or dogs with a fever , the higher body temperature is likely the result of a more serious infection or illness.

That's because fever is a body response, an attempt to eliminate the agent that is causing the malaise. Therefore, it is important to understand the causes of fever to try to fight the disease and not just lower the body temperature.

How to recognize that your cat has a fever, what procedures to take and what can cause the temperature to rise? See now!

Why does the cat have a fever?

Fever is a clinical symptom that is associated with other diseases. There is much pathology that can raise the temperature of the cat's body and, therefore, it is necessary to consult the veterinarian to carry out the tests and diagnose the pet correctly.

Fevers are, in most cases, reactions to infectious or inflammatory diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites, such as ticks and fleas. A North American study showed that the main causes of fever in cats are the following:

  • Panleucopenia feline

  • FeLV (Feline Leukemia)

  • feline rhinotracheite

  • Feline calicivirosis

  • Kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis

  • Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or AIDS in cats

  • toxoplasmosis

  • Mycoplasmosis, transmitted by fleas

  • Autoimmune diseases, among others.

It is also very common for cats to have a fever with no apparent cause. After all the exams, veterinarians realize that there is no associated disease, which could mean stress, emotional problems or even unknown causes.

How to know if your cat has a fever?

Recognizing a cat with a fever can be challenging. To know if, in fact, he has a fever, it is necessary to measure the temperature with a rectal thermometer, introducing it in the anal region. This procedure is usually done with a veterinarian.

To understand the signs of fever indoors, you need to take a good look at your pet. That's because kittens have the habit of hiding what they feel or isolating themselves indoors when something doesn't go well.

When they have a fever, cats usually show the following signs:

  • Redness : notice if the muzzle, ears or paws are more reddish

  • Dry nose: usually the muzzle is wet. With a fever, it can be more dry

  • Drowsiness : they tend to sleep longer than usual

  • Lack of appetite : you will notice that he does not want to eat his food or he will eat less than usual

  • Isolation : it hides in different places than usual

  • Wheezing : a cat with a fever may have faster breathing

  • Apathy : your kitten may look sad, not wanting to play and lying down more than usual

As fever is associated with other illnesses, it is possible that he will have other symptoms, such as sneezing, diarrhea, vomiting or not wanting to drink water.

It is also interesting to remember that cats often take a long time to show symptoms and that many of these signs are indicative of other diseases. Therefore, as soon as you detect a significant change in habits, look for the veterinarian.

What is the fever temperature in cats?

The normal body temperature of cats varies between 38.1°C and 39.2°C . Above this value, therefore, the cat is considered to have a fever.

Cats are naturally warmer than humans, and when trying to take the temperature with your hand, you might get the false impression that the cat has a fever.

Therefore, ideally, the temperature should be checked by a veterinarian, who will introduce the thermometer correctly. Because it's a sensitive region, there may be discomfort or even cause injuries to your little animal if the placement is inappropriate.

Can I measure the temperature at home?

If you are unable to contact the veterinarian or make an emergency appointment, you can take the temperature at home, following these guidelines:

  • Use a digital veterinary ear thermometer. It will be less invasive than the rectal thermometer (albeit less accurate).

  • Place the tip of the thermometer against the inside of your cat's ear and check the temperature.

  • Do everything very carefully so as not to hurt your pet.

  • If you only have the rectal thermometer at home and want to be sure of the temperature - as this is the most reliable method - follow the steps below:

  • Clean the instrument well before inserting.

  • If possible, rub Vaseline on the tip to make insertion easier.

  • Lift the cat's tail and insert the instrument until the temperature appears on the display.

If the temperature is above 39.2ºC, take him to the vet as soon as possible.

Cat with a fever: what to give and what to do?

If you notice any symptoms like those mentioned at the beginning of the article, the first step is to look for a veterinarian to carry out clinical and, if necessary, laboratory tests.

Most illnesses associated with fever are more likely to be cured when detected early.

Many people wonder if they can give Dipyrone to a cat with a fever or other antipyretic drugs, but the ideal is to wait for the veterinary diagnosis before taking any medication.

As we said, a fever can be a sign of something more serious and it is necessary to find the cause in order to prescribe the appropriate medicine. In the meantime, there are two important steps you can take:

1- Try to keep the animal hydrated. The increase in temperature can cause dehydration or make the cat not want to drink water, but it is important that he maintains fluid intake.

2- Make wet compresses on the cat to help control the temperature. Dampen a washcloth with cold water and place it over the kitten's forehead, paws, belly and groin for a few minutes.

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