Tired dog: what could it be?


There are many reasons that make the dog tired, from an extra effort during the walk, to more serious health problems.

Does your puppy seem like he's always tired, panting or having trouble breathing? Really, you need to investigate.

What are the main causes for apparent tiredness in dogs and what to do in case of breathing problems? Find out in this article!

How do I know that my dog ​​is very tired?

  • Watching your pet extremely tired can scare. This is because the signs he shows are different from the dog's normal state of joy in everyday life, such as:

  • Very labored and accelerated breathing (above 60 breaths per minute)

  • Shortness of breath, which may be accompanied by coughing

  • Stretched neck and tongue sticking out for easy air intake

  • Purplish tongue or mouth, which demonstrates lack of oxygenation in the blood.

What to do when the dog is breathing hard?

If you notice that your dog is tired even at rest, with accelerated breathing even without exercising or with a mild ambient temperature, the most important step is to consult a veterinarian.

Thus, clinical and laboratory tests will be carried out to find out if the dog has breathing problems.

Before that, look for:

  • Do not despair, so as not to agitate your dog even more;

  • Avoid physical activity or that he needs to run. Leave him still, preferably lying down to reduce his heart rate;

  • Keep it hydrated. Keep the bowl of water nearby.

Causes of no concern

The dog can get tired in different situations and some of them are not worrisome.

  • Moderate physical activities: walks or outdoor games raise the heart rate and body temperature, making the dog accelerate its breathing.

  • High ambient temperature: as dogs sweat through their noses, panting is a way they have to control their body temperature and cool off.

  • Excitement: a dog that is very happy, very scared or very stressed can also look tired and breathe fast.

  • Senior dogs can also get tired more easily. Advancing age makes them endure less time on walks and want to lie down or sleep for more hours a day. This is normal and likewise nothing to be concerned about.

  • Healthy brachycephalic dogs: short-nosed dogs (such as the Pug, Bulldog, Shih tzu, Boxer, Maltese or Pekingese) naturally have more difficulty breathing and also having a cold body in hot weather.

More serious causes

There are many reasons why your dog may be more tired than usual and the best way to care for him is to observe him closely and consult a professional if the symptoms persist.

Some situations are more serious and should be accompanied by a veterinarian, see:

Brachycephalic syndrome

In the case of short-nosed breeds, a more serious situation can occur and periodic follow-up with the veterinarian is necessary.

It is common for them to develop brachycephalic syndrome, which are anatomical abnormalities in the snout region, which end up causing severe dyspnea (shortness of breath).

This difficulty breathing is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  • Noisy breathing, like snoring

  • Syncope and fainting due to lack of oxygen

  • Cyanosis (purple tongue)

  • Tracheal collapse, which is the shrinkage of the trachea, causing it to become obstructed and make it difficult for air to pass through

  • Pulmonary hypertension, as chronic poor breathing can impair circulation in the lungs

  • In the case of the syndrome, the sooner the dog is diagnosed, the better the treatment results, allowing your puppy to have a normal life.


Overweight dogs are also unwell and have less energy for exercise. During activities, they need more effort to move and, with that, they are more tired than normal and have more difficulty breathing.

Respiratory diseases

Another cause for difficulty in breathing or that makes the dog always lie down and listless, looking tired, is a respiratory disease. Meet some of them:

Kennel cough or flu

Kennel cough or bronchitis is an infectious disease that leads to respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, secretion, wheezing, as well as fever, apathy and lack of appetite. It is very contagious and resembles the human flu.

Asthma and bronchitis

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways, especially the lungs of dogs. It is usually caused by hypersensitivity to allergenic agents (allergies) and generates symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath and you will notice the dog stretching its neck to breathe better.


Distemper is a very serious disease that attacks the dog's central nervous system, caused by the Canine Distemper Virus. It is not classified as a respiratory disease, since it is much broader than that and presents neurological symptoms, which can lead to death.

However, in its initial phase, it manifests symptoms in the airways and the tutor may think it is a milder disease. What are the early symptoms of distemper?

  • cough and sneezing

  • difficulty breathing

  • Secretion on muzzles and eyes, with a yellowish tint

  • Fever

  • Pneumonia

Distemper has no cure and treatment is done to alleviate symptoms and improve the puppy's quality of life. Therefore, it is so important that the dog is immunized with the polyvalent vaccine at 6 to 8 weeks of age, following the vaccination schedule.

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