What are the main types of dog training? Look here

 What are the main types of dog training? Look here

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Learning what the main types of dog training are is really cool, as you can help your dog have a better quality of life and more comfort on a daily basis. But, like any other activity, training must also be suitable for each breed.

That's why, in today's article, we're going to help you better understand what is the best type of canine training for your dog and how you can get the most out of the practice. And the coolest thing about all this is that some types of training you can do yourself at home!

So keep reading the article and learn everything about the topic. Who knows, even today you can start planning your puppy's training, right?

What are the main types of dog training?

There are many, many types of dog training. After all, each dog will need specific and dedicated follow-up. Therefore, the trainer or professional who will be taking care of the animal will usually do some kind of “tailor-made program”.

However, of course, this does not prevent us from better understanding what the most common types of canine training are. That is, those that are popularly used in kennels and homes. We made a list of some ways to train your dog, with training bias for various needs.


  • Guide dog training;

  • Basic training for everyday life;

  • Guard dog training;

  • Training to abolish bad behavior;

  • Training for sporting dogs;

See how broad the word training is? That is, it is related to different types of day-to-day practices. That is, dressage can help the dog to simply pee in the right place or teach him to run and overcome obstacles!

Everything will depend on the tutor's goal and the physical size and breed of the animal. Therefore, keep reading to understand a little more about each type of training and its particularities.

Guide dog training

One of the most common and important types of canine training that exist is guide dog training. That is, the dog practically studies a course on how to help a visually impaired person and manages to do it masterfully.

This type of training is much more than just training. It is also a way of making society better and inserting people who have any type of visual impairment into social life.

The guide dog helps the person to walk, cross the street, avoid high or low obstacles and, of course, is a faithful companion. Training a dog so that it can help someone else is a complicated task and often takes a long time. It's just possible, and that's why this type of training is at the top of our list.

Guide dog training involves much conduct, behavior, understanding commands and repetition activities. The dog needs to have a very large cognitive power and the tutor will also need to understand some techniques to be able to control his pet.

Types of basic training for everyday life

Another way to train a dog on a day-to-day basis is to offer him a “package” of training so that he understands basic commands such as “sit”, “no” or “stop”. This type of training is recommended for all dogs, as it is basic and very necessary.

Without basic training, your dog can become anxious, stressed, sad and even aggressive. After all, he needs to understand that there are limits for his conduct to be much healthier in the medium and long term.

A dog that doesn't understand basic commands will disrespect the owner and the environment, not because he's a mean dog. But because he was simply not trained to understand certain situations and commands. It is the owner's responsibility to teach the dog to be behaved and respectful.

Basic commands training can be done by yourself, tutor. Just be patient and calm to condition your pet for certain situations. Try using the positive reinforcement technique to reward the animal when it does something positive. This will help you a lot!

Types of guard dog training

This is one of the most complex types of dog training that exist.

After all, training a guard dog takes time and it is necessary to consider several aspects related to the health and well-being of the pet. Guard dogs often have an instinct of their own for this. Which ends up helping? However, it is necessary to advance and condition the dog to do the job correctly.

Many people associate a guard dog with an aggressive or angry dog. Only this is not true. On the contrary! A guard dog needs to be an extremely calm and cautious dog. Many times the dog will save his energy as much as possible in order to act only at the right times.

That is, a guard dog will not be barking randomly, will not run to the gate when someone passes by on the street, etc. He will be trained to act and protect a certain space in an intelligent and conscious way.

If barking and being energetic were synonymous with a guard dog, the Pinscher would be one of the best guard dogs in the world, wouldn't it?

Types of training to abolish bad behavior

This is a type of training that is very close to the basic training that every owner should do with their dog. But training to condition behaviors is a little deeper and more complex, since here we will deal directly with the animal's routine.

When not trained, dogs have quirks and behaviors that can be unpleasant. These behaviors, in turn, can make the dog rude, stubborn, anxious, stressed and even aggressive.

Therefore, training him with dressage to abolish bad behaviors is very important. And here, you will primarily base conditioning on good behavior using the positive reinforcement technique.

That is, every time the dog does something positive, you will reward it. And every time he does something negative, you won't interact.

Never use verbal and much less physical violence to train your dog. This won't do any good and the dog, in addition to being sad, will be anxious and even less well-behaved. Training for good manners requires patience, lots of love and lots of positive reinforcement!

Types of training for sporting dogs

And finally, we have a type of training that is widely used in the day-to-day of sporting dogs, which is advanced training.

This type of training involves many steps and can take a long time. The dog must already have a high level of training to respond to commands and then become an increasingly attentive dog for new perceptions.

Sports dogs, as much as they have in their instinct a taste for energetic activities, also need to receive adequate training to respond correctly to the program. This type of training is indicated for those who have a lot of free time with their dog and a very large space.

However, we recommend that you look for a specialized training center, with professionals who know how to deal with the breed in question. This will speed up the process and the dog will be better conditioned. After all, nothing better than having professional help for specific activities, right?

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