When does the cat growl?


Anyone who already has a kitten at home and is adopting new kittens for the family may be faced with a very common situation: your cat growling at the newbie. And here comes the doubt: will they get along? What does that growl mean?

Let's help you now by showing possible reasons why your cat is growling and what you can do to improve the relationship between your pets.

Understand the sounds made by your cat

The vocalization of cats (sounds they emit) indicate different signals and closely observing these sounds can give you hints of what your little animal is trying to say. In addition to growling, see what noises they can make and what they usually represent:


First-time cat tutors, who still don't know much about these animals, often confuse growling with purring. But the sounds are very different.

The growling cat makes a very aggressive sound, like a hoarse and loud meow, and has body language displaying its restless and uncomfortable state, such as wide open mouth, exposed teeth, ears back, arched spine and dilated pupils.

Purring, on the other hand, is a calmer sound, similar to a motorcycle engine, with a muffled, low and rhythmic growl that the cat emits, usually when it is happy. When they receive affection or when they are comfortable, for example, it is common for them to make this magical noise.

When purring, the cat's body releases the feel-good hormone: endorphins.

Also, cats can purr when they are cautious exploring a new space or when they are hungry.

Cats with kittens also purr to calm their young. But not all the reasons are currently known and purring is often a mystery.

Snort or wheeze

The growling can be accompanied by loud meows or hisses. This is the most common sound among cats that are in a situation of fear or irritation.

It's a sound similar to that of a snake and, at these times, your cat will have its fur standing on end, mouth wide open showing teeth, ear back and back curved.

The aggressive posture and sound indicate that he feels threatened and you need to understand the reason and reassure him or even walk away until he calms down.


Meow is the sound that cats emit the most and it's easy to identify. But did you know that they can meow differently depending on the situation? With the meow, the cat tries to communicate with the tutor and you will be able to understand by observing your body language. He might want:

  • Ask for food and show that you are hungry, going to the food bowl;

  • Ask to open a door, window, drawer or box so he can get in or out;

  • Warn about situations of fear, sadness, pain or illness, usually with bristly hair and arched spine;

  • Ask for affection, when he starts leaning on you;

  • Females in heat also meow constantly;

  • Puppies meow a lot to get their mother's attention. This is one of the few instances where cats meow at other cats.

Why does the cat growl?

Cat growling at another cat or at you is a sign that something is wrong. There are several reasons why a cat growls, but it is usually a way of expressing dissatisfaction.

  • A cat that is angry with other animals can growl very aggressively, with an attack and fight posture, which indicates a fight for territory. After all, cats value their space very much. This is one of the main reasons cats growl at other newly adopted pets.

  • Cat growling at you can indicate that you are doing something he doesn't like, like bathing him, petting a body area he doesn't like, irritating him during a game.

  • Scared cat may growl in a threat signal.

  • In case of pain or itching, cats can also growl as a warning of their malaise.

  • A kitten growling can be a way of calling its mother and showing that it is hungry.

What to do when the cat growls?

The main thing to do with a growling cat is to walk away . If you are petting or playing with the pet, stop until it calms down.

If his problem is with something you're doing, there's no use fighting or yelling at him. In these cases, you are likely to make the situation worse and he will become more irritable.

Let him calm down on his own and watch his behavior. When he calms down, give positive reinforcement by offering a treat so that he associates good behavior with something favorable.

If your cat is growling out of fear, one tip is to buy or set up a cat house so that it can hide and feel protected.

How to make two cats get along?

If your cat is growling to mark its territory and assert itself over a new kitten in the house, it will take a little more patience. After all, it is normal for this to happen and it takes time for one to get used to the presence of the other.

For the first few days, place the newly adopted cat in another room, with food, water and a litter box. Through the cracks in the door, the oldest cat in the house will smell you and begin to recognize that there is a new member in the family. The tendency is for them to stop being weird.

If not, seek help from an animal behavior specialist, such as a trainer.

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