Why do elderly dogs sleep a lot?


Just like us, dogs age and, with age, come new habits, behaviors and the need for new care. An elderly dog ​​may have more health problems - because it has a more fragile immunity - in addition to sleeping more, having more difficulty feeding, playing and walking.

Is your puppy reaching this stage of life? Understand how to take better care of your pet so that it ages with health and quality!

What happens when the dog gets old?

In general, a dog is considered elderly when it completes 7 or 8 years of life. Despite this average, the age range varies according to the breed and it is necessary to understand, together with the veterinarian, what is the ideal age to start specific care for elderly dogs.

It is usually around the age of 12 that attention to health and basic care should be redoubled, as it is at this stage that physical signs and even illnesses begin to appear.

An important point is that it is not because your dog has aged that he is sick. On the contrary, he can be totally healthy.

But some signs will appear, such as whitish hair, mainly around the muzzle and eyes, fatigue from physical activities and excessive sleep.

Common problems in old age

In addition to natural issues, when the dog gets older, it is very common for the following to appear:

  • Ophthalmological diseases: cataracts, for example, are a very common disease in elderly dogs and are the main cause of blindness at this stage.

  • Joint problems: such as arthritis and osteoarthritis, making it difficult for the dog to move. This is why many pets find it more difficult to walk when they are elderly and slow down.

  • Obesity: because they move less and have a slower metabolism at this stage, it is normal for older dogs to become obese. Therefore, it is important to encourage longer walks, even if they are slow, in addition to a balanced diet.

  • Hearing loss: deafness or decreased hearing is also common among older dogs, which become less attentive. You'll notice that he won't respond as quickly to your calls.

Why do senior dogs sleep a lot?

As we said, it's not a reason to worry if your puppy was very active and now sleeps. It is natural for an elderly dog ​​to sleep for about 15 to 18 hours a day.

It is estimated that only 20% of a dog's daily time is active. The others are divided into moments of nap, rest and a good night's sleep.

Rest is a natural and instinctive defense, which is fundamental for the dog to store and renew its energies, being very common among carnivorous animals (which used to go hunting and, when elderly, were not so willing).

However, if your dog is sleeping a lot, but has other associated symptoms, such as unsteadiness when walking, lack of appetite or other physical signs, look for a veterinarian to make sure that everything is really fine.

How to take care of an elderly dog?

If your dog is in old age, it is important to make sure that he is always comfortable and has his needs met.

  • Keep regular appointments with the veterinarian. If he develops any disease, it is essential that the detection is early, as this greatly increases the chances of good treatment.

  • Offer senior dog food. Age-specific foods contain the essential vitamins and nutrients for your dog's current state, such as high-value protein. These kibbles are also more palatable and easier to chew and swallow.

  • Have an orthopedic bed or the most comfortable model possible. Your dog will spend many hours of the day there and it is important to protect the spine and ensure quality sleep.

  • During walks, avoid very hot times and take slower, low-impact walks. The intention is to keep the animal active, without harming the joints and bones.

  • Make mobility at home easy. If your dog has motor difficulties, you can facilitate his mobility by placing the food closer to where he sleeps, preventing him from having to climb stairs to feed himself or do his business.

And remember: it's very important to be patient with your dog at this stage and give him all the love and affection he needs and deserves!

What is the best vitamin supplement for senior dogs?

The specific feed for senior dogs is usually enough to meet your entire dog's nutritional needs. But, together with the veterinarian, you can offer complementary vitamins to the feed.

Never give a senior dog a vitamin on its own, as these excess nutrients can overwhelm the liver and kidneys. With the right tests, the veterinarian will identify your dog's possible deficiencies and indicate the correct supplement.

Vitamins can be important to restore your dog's mood and energy, so that he has a better quality of life during old age.

Is your dog very tired?

If you are finding that your dog is overly tired and he is always breathing fast, sleeping poorly and not in the mood, this could be a sign of heart disease or other health problems.

When in doubt, do not hesitate to go to the veterinarian to check your pet's health status.

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