A 17 lb Pit Bull Can See Every Bone Due To Being Starved

 Dog’s journey back to normal life 😢

Please take the time to read Reese’s complete story down here.

A dog named Reese was found lying on the sidewalk. No one can know how this poor baby is still alive. Her body was so emaciated that you could clearly see every bone in her frail body. Why would someone do this to her?

Animal Control was called and they reached out to a local rescue team, the Jersey Pits, hoping they could save Reese’s life. They sent a photo of the dog lying in the back seat of their car. Everyone who saw the photo broke down and cried. This is the worst case of ‘abuse’ they have ever seen.

Even when Reese was too weak to raise her head, she happily thanked her new friends with lots of kisses. To say she is a love dog is an overstatement.

No dog deserves to suffer, but seeing a dog like Reese clearly have so much love that being deliberately starved is just too unacceptable.

The medical team took the necessary steps to make Reese better. She needs a lot of care. A week after being hospitalized, she was able to stand on her own for a very short time. It’s a small feat, sure, but it’s something!

A few weeks later, Reese took the steps herself. She is wagging her tail and even “sitting” on command. After a month in the hospital, she was discharged to a foster home.

Ryn, Reese’s adoptive mother, said she was very timid when riding in a car but as soon as she got inside her foster home and found she was safe, she “came back to life”. She picks up toys and happily runs around with them. For the first time, Reese was in a home where she was wanted and cherished.

And then, in the blink of an eye, Reese turned into a real dog. Once she was healthy enough to go for a walk, she was in full bloom. She realizes there is a whole world outside waiting for her to explore.

Ryn explains in the video that every morning they wake up and she will have to loosen Reese’s collar. That’s an amazing achievement because it means Reese is gaining weight and getting healthier!

Reese continued to get better and gain weight. She still lives with Ryn while she heals. Soon she will be adopted and everyone who meets her trusts that she will make a wonderful addition to any family.

We are so relieved that Reese was found in time and resurrected. Thank you to all the animal heroes who didn’t give up!

Please take the time to check out Reese’s complete story below the article. She is truly inspirational!

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