The Old Dog That No One Wants, It Lies In The Kennel Thinking I Must Live Here Forever

 The dog lies in the kennel and thinks about his lonely life 😢

Countless worthy dogs await their forever families at shelters or foster homes around the world. Sadly, some dogs never find a place to call home.

Such a dog will likely spend the rest of his life living at the Villalobos rescue center run by Tia Torres and her wonderful family.

Summer, a longtime dog at Villalobos, has been with the Torres family longer than any other dog at their facility. Tia had given up hope that Summer would be happily ever after.

The Torres family did their best to accommodate the pet dog and gave her the love and care she deserves.

Tia said, “She and my kids basically grew up together.” It was around the time Summer was in Villalobos. Since the age of 8 weeks, Summer has lived at the rescue center. Now she is older. It broke Tia’s heart that no one had ever stepped up to bring this sweet girl into a proper home.

“It’s not her fault, she’s still here. She was overlooked,” Tia says in the video below. At this point, Summer’s age is affecting her physicality.

She has severe arthritis, in fact her legs are inexplicably bent. She moves a little slower. But mentally, she’s a happy, grateful dog.

A lot of residents keep dogs at the shelter because the Torres family doesn’t want to chase any dogs. As adopters search for the perfect companion, Tia and her family try to listen to what they’re looking for. Families also learn about their homes and match them appropriately.

They are usually offered several dogs to choose from. Families will then meet the ‘candidates’ and choose the one that best suits them. Despite being a multiple choice for adopters, Summer was never selected.

Then, miraculously, an app specifically for Summer appeared. Eileen, the potential adopter, saw Summer on the Villalobos premium page and immediately knew that Summer belonged to her. The Torres family can’t wait for Eileen to come and meet the adorable dog.

At the center, Summer slowly entered the room, her age clearly evident. But this did not stop Eileen. She stood on the floor, level with Summer, to say hello.

The tail of summer begins to wag. It’s the sweetest thing to see! The Torres family has always been upfront and fair with all adopters and explained that given Summer’s age and health, they doubt she’ll make it to a full year. Does this stop Eileen?

Eileen then explains that if she hadn’t adopted Summer and learned that she passed away while at the center, never having a chance at home, it would have broken her heart. The next step for Eileen is unquestionable.

Watch the video below to see what happens next! And please remember, ALL dogs deserve a forever home. No matter their age!

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